Helping churches make disciples to reach the world
with the Gospel of Jesus Christ
Recent Posts
- Moving Onby Andrew KulpI am pleased to announce that at the end of June 2023, I will be resigning my position at Marshall Craft Associates in Baltimore, Maryland, to relocate to Huntsville, Alabama. I have accepted a leadership role focusing on Church Architecture at Chapman Sisson Architects. I will begin the first week…
- Hallways as Ministry 1 – Introductionby Andrew KulpIntroduction Hallways, corridors, foyers, and other circulation and transition zones are overlooked as a design element of church buildings. Church hallways are often smaller than they need to be for a socially healthy church. If tight hallways wasn’t on your radar before 2020, COVID-19 and the need for social distancing…

- Back to Schoolby Andrew KulpIntroduction: I wanted to write a post on the subject of “Loving Jesus versus Academic Excellence” for some time. As we enter the “Back to School” season, I have been thinking through a lot of related issues. I have also been reading books and articles and listening to numerous podcasts…
- Books for your graduating seniorby Andrew KulpDo you have a teenager approaching graduation and wondering what you can do to help prepare them for the world ahead? Are you wondering if they know what to look for in a healthy church? Are you worried about the challenges facing them in college? I recommend the following books…
- Gifted2Serveby Andrew KulpPlease note that a database error caused the email results feature of the Gifted2Serve profile to not work properly from 12/25/2021 through 1/3/2022. We have created a temporary solution so the results emails should be working again. If you took the inventory during the above window and would like your…
- Pastors, Evangelism, and Missionsby Andrew KulpMy primary pastoral mentor, Dr. Al Jackson, recently retired from the full-time pastorate after over 40 years pastoring Lakeview Baptist Church in Auburn, Alabama. The primary legacy Dr. Jackson made in his ministry centers on calling God’s people to evangelism and missions. Over his years at Lakeview, countless people felt…
- Missions and Discipleshipby Andrew KulpEffective Discipleship is at the center of growing a healthy church. While Bible Study and growing in knowledge are certainly a part of discipleship, quite often that is where discipleship ends in many churches. And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been…
- Perspectivesby Andrew KulpIf you haven’t taken the “Perspectives” course, I highly recommend finding a place to take it … If you really want to understand God’s vision and purpose for reaching the nations, this is a great place to start: