Frontyard People

As I write, I am sitting next to my daughter in our front yard.
As Christians, our family is trying to practice being Front Yard People. Unfortunately, we live in a Back Yard World.
More and more, people spend little or no time in their Front Yards. We currently sit in ours because we don’t even have a back yard . . . Plus, the kiddo loves to watch cars go by.
Back Yards are private places where you and your family can hang out with little or no interruption from the world around you. In today’s world of Fences and Garages, it’s possible to live somewhere for years and never meet the person next to you.
Front yards are places where you can go and be interrupted. You can watch the world go by. You can talk to people as they walk by. You can meet your neighbors. You can touch your world.
We’re becoming Front Yard People. And we love it. But it’s frustrating living in a Back Yard world. Auburn is definitely a Back Yard World. One of the things we’re looking for when we move is a community where we can be Front Yard People living among other Front Yard People.
As Christians, this should be our goal, because it’s where we can meet and influence the world around us with the hope, love, and grace of knowing Jesus Christ. This is how we can Transform our world!