Books for your graduating senior

Do you have a teenager approaching graduation and wondering what you can do to help prepare them for the world ahead?
Are you wondering if they know what to look for in a healthy church?
Are you worried about the challenges facing them in college?
I recommend the following books to help your teenager be grounded and aware as they enter a world that is increasingly antagonistic to the Gospel. Both resources are quick reads, but they include extensive documentation for further study.
Secular or Liberal College-Bound:
If your teenager is heading to a secular university or a moderate-to-liberal Christian college, they will to run into many questions from a Secular Humanist point of view. I highly recommend the Coffee House Chronicles Set, by Josh McDowell. This set is a fictional novella-style read to equip them and provide well documented resources to answer the questions they will encounter.
The set includes: Is The Bible True … Really?, Who Is Jesus … Really?, and Did the Resurrection Happen … Really?
Christian College-Bound or not going to college:
If your teenager is not going head-long into the humanistic world of secular college education, they still need to be prepared to answer the challenges that are coming from within the church. Progressive Christianity is wreaking havoc on the faith of many young Christians. Another Gospel?, by Alisa Childers, is an autobiographical response to Progressive Christianity. The author navigated through questions raised by a local pastor that nearly shipwrecked her faith. In the end, the questions and research drove her deeper into a genuine understanding of what and why she believes.
I recommend for ALL Christians to read these books, but I consider it vitally important for teenagers to be equipped to face the world on their own as they enter adulthood.
NOTE: These recommendations are not solicited in any way by the authors or publishers. Purchasing through the links above may provide minor financial benefit to the author, provided no coupon codes are used in the purchase.
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