Welcome to the Gifted2Serve Spiritual Gifts Inventory!

This inventory is a comprehensive inventory of 125 questions. Be sure to allow yourself 20-45 minutes to complete.

According to the scale below, select the response that best describes or characterizes yourself. DO NOT answer according to what you think should be true, but based on actual past experience and personal motivation. Do not leave any answers blank.

0 – Not at all characteristic of me/definitely not true for me.
1 – Occasionally characteristic of me/true for me–about 25% of the time.
2 – Sometimes characteristic of me/true for me–about 50% of the time.
3 – Usually characteristic of me/true for me–about 75% of the time.
4 – Highly characteristic of me/definitely true for me.

For more information, please return to the Gifted2Serve Introduction Page.

Enter your contact information and click "NEXT" below to begin!

(Please note, we will not use your contact information for any purpose except for records of inventories taken and so you can receive an email copy of your results.)

Gifted2Serve is ©2001, 2021 Andrew P. Kulp