Personal disciplines are activities the individual Christian should embark upon in order develop him/herself as a mature, Christ-like believer. The external personal disciplines are those that are done individually but are mostly for the benefit of others.
- “God made man simple; man’s complex problems are of his own devising” (Ecc 7:29, JB).
- We live in a busy, gadget-centered world. The fact that you are reading this page means that you probably have access to technology such as computers. In such a high-tech world, the idea of simplicity is extremely foreign.
- God calls us to allow Him to supply all of our needs, and all the rest will take care of itself (Matt 6:25-34).
- He calls us to lead peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness (1 Tim 2:2), that He might be glorified.
- For further understanding, Richard Foster‘s chapter on simplicity is very helpful.
- Although Foster does not include this discipline in his book, Donald S Whitney includes it in his book. We agree with Whitney that stewardship is an essential part of the Christian life.
- Stewardship is about more than money. Stewardship involves managing wisely all of the assets that God has entrusted us with.
- How are we going to use our time, talents, and money to bring the greatest glory to God?
- Tithing all of our assets is merely a starting point. Tithing was the requirement of the Old Testament law. Those of us in the New Testament church can see the full extent of God’s abundant grace. Our appreciation of such wonderful grace should drive us to give far beyond the requirements of the law.
- Jesus valued withdrawing from other people to be alone with the Father. (Luke 5:16)
- If it was important for Jesus, God-in-flesh, to be alone with the Father to recharge, shouldn’t it be important to us?
- This term is a dangerous term in our day. It fires up all sorts of cultural norms and arguments.
- As a discipline, this is not about men and women. It is not about husbands and wives.
- As a discipline, this is about setting aside our desires and preferences and submitting ourselves to the will and glory of God.
- Submitting to God, is the core of the Gospel – turning from our own way of living and turning to a new life in Him.
Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.
James 4:7
- This discipline is the primary purpose and vision for BuildingChurch Ministries. We are convinced that a Christian will be unable to live a consistent life of gratitude and glory to God until he/she begins to turn their own faith around and serve God in the context of a ministry to which they are called. The Find Your Place curriculum and Gifted2Serve inventory are specifically geared to help Christians in this discipline.
- Although Foster does not include this discipline in his book, Donald S Whitney includes it in his book. We agree with Whitney that evangelism is an essential part of the Christian life.
- Many Christians have been trained in Evangelism Explosion, FAITH Sunday School Evangelism Strategy, and other programmatic forms of evangelism.
- We prefer a more personal method:
- If possible, we suggest such a simple method as including the essential parts of your Christian faith within the story of your testimony.
- In the context of your story, most people won’t realize how much of the Gospel you are giving to them.
- Also, while they may argue with your understanding of what you have experienced, they can’t argue with the experience itself.
- The burden of proof falls on them. They must somehow explain what you have told them happened to you.
- Within the Personal Story method above, including a clear presentation of the Gospel is essential.
- Pulling pieces from a training program can be helpful.
- The Romans Road is another helpful tool
- One-Verse Evangelism is an excellent way to get started!