Second Fiddle – Part 2 of 2

On Tuesday, I linked to a post by Mark Batterson about being a forward-looking leader.
At the time, I said, “’nuff said.”
But today, I’m continuing to take a little time to expand on Mark’s post.
I’ve also been the #1 leader. Sometimes I’ve been a forward-thinker. Other times I have not. I’ve experienced the positives and negatives myself.
At this point in life, I will be in a combination of #1 and #2 positions in various aspects of my life. Right now, I’m unemployed . . . but I’m still a #1 — I need to be forward-thinking as I lead my family. It’s a challenge, but I’m learning. I am also learning how to be forward-thinking in the areas God is calling me to lead. I’m finally doing what it takes to get an architecture license (I’m taking another section of the exam this afternoon, please pray!) I’m reading and visioning about church and reaching people far from God.
I’m also learning that sometimes being Forward-Thinking and visionary is as much about DOING as it is about Thinking. Without the DOING, you’re just dreaming. You have to implement the Vision if you’re truly going to move forward.