Personal Ministry Profile – Part 5:
Your Heart’s Call
Up to this point, Find Your Place has studied concepts from Scripture that help you understand how God has put you together. The final portion of your PMP is meant to knit all of the other portions together in such a way that you can begin to understand specifically how God wants you to minister in the Body of Christ.
As you review the other portions of your PMP, notice that the elements may point to specific areas of ministry. Quite often, they also show you what areas of ministry you do not belong in. Even as you look over the other elements, there are probably still a large number of ministry areas that you appear qualified to be a part of. Therefore, this portion pulls the elements together by asking one simple question: “What has God called you to do?”
This portion of the PMP is called “Your Heart’s Call” for a reason. God called each one of us to specific places of ministry within the Body. He uniquely gifted and trained us to serve in these ministries. When we discover the ministry that God has called us to, we find great satisfaction and fulfillment in bringing Him glory through doing the work of the ministry. Great enthusiasm results when we are fulfilling the calling that God made us for.
For the purposes of the PMP, your heart’s call is simply the “thing” that God burned into your heart to do for His mission on earth.
Evaluation Exercise:
Before you consider this portion of your PMP, consider some people in your own life. Who around you seems to be overridden with enthusiasm or passion for a specific area of ministry? Think of a few people who seem extremely enthusiastic and what their passion is, and what about their behavior lets you know that it is their overriding passion?
The Apostle Paul’s passion:
God, whom I serve with my whole heart in preaching the Gospel of his Son . . .
Romans 1:9 (NIV)
Therefore, having this ministry by the mercy of God, we do not lose heart.
2 Corinthians 4:1
Paul’s heart’s call was to preach the Gospel and plant churches among the Gentiles (Gal 1:15-16).
Now, prayerfully consider what God has placed in you as your heart’s call.
I will bless the Lord who give me counsel; in the night also my heart instructs me
Psalm 16:7
- What is the one thing that you are involved with that drives you and gives you great satisfaction?
- What is the one thing that you would love to have an opportunity to do for God or to advance His kingdom?
Find Your Place is ©2001, 2021 Andrew P. Kulp – adapted from the Find Your Place curriculum developed for Lakeview Baptist Church, Auburn, AL.